Note: I got a bit teary-eyed writing this weeks post. Read to the end to find out why!
At the core of the Katie's Plates mission is a desire to cultivate a family-like atmosphere- with you, our valued customers, and of course among our team members.
This week we took time to reflect on all the wonderful happenings at Katie's Plates over the last 12 months. There's been so much growth and change, and we want to keep you involved and updated! As we go through this journey, you are right there with us. Here's a look into some of our favorite moments, and some behind the scenes footage.
Victor, Sharon, Sherry Christina
Team photo after our first "Bonding Brunch". Now an almost monthly tradition, we look forward to this chance to relax, chat, and eat food that we didn't prepare ourselves. Brunch traditions include: a giant cinnamon roll for the table, a round of mimosas, and Victor using 10 sugars in his coffee.
Taken on the day we received one of our favorite presents ever- our second double-door fridge! Victor (resident strong man in the kitchen) worked extremely hard to move the estimated 500lb fridge in from outside (no help offered by the delivery driver...) Using his muscles and brains, it was carefully brought inside where it sits today in all it's refrigerated glory. Now, we can't imagine life without it!
Christina and Megan
Being an intern at Katie's Plates is fun but hard work. Sometimes, you're asked to get elbow deep in a bowl of chocolate cake. I know, torture, right? This photo was taken on Valentine's Day and you can just see the love our team members are putting into the food! When you love what you do, it doesn't even feel like work!
From left to right, Katie, Sharon, Sherry and Victor stepped out of their kitchen clothes and posed for an O.G. KP team photo. Katie and Victor have been working together since Day 1 and Sharon and Sherry both started the first week of June (Sherry as an intern at the time). Fun fact: that week in June the air conditioning was broken! Imagine 95 degree weather PLUS a kitchen with ovens and stoves going, and non-stop movement to get the meals done in time. Despite the tough conditions, Sharon and Sherry came back- much to Katie's relief!- a little (re: a lot of) heat couldn't keep them out of the kitchen!
Another Bonding Brunch in the books! Misty (pictured in the center) was solely a delivery driver for Katie's Plates, but expressed interest in joining the kitchen team- and boy are we happy to have her! You might think Victor feels outnumbered in the kitchen, but don't let him fool you- he's a big softy and loves being the only male!
Fun fact: 80% of the week the team listens to 60's-70's soul/funk/disco music. Other fun fact: Sherry has banned listening to the song "Billie Jean" due to the excessive play time it has received.
Repping our newest KP t-shirt design! The Bham branch is especially fond of these shirts. We truly do love bacon.
Though Katie's Plates is led by some B.A. girl bosses, we couldn't do it without our male team members! You may recognize these hard working faces as your weekly delivery driver- Sean, Hank, and Matt, from left to right (and of course there's Victor in the back!). After a long day in the kitchen, our daytime workers are so thankful to have a few extra hands to help put the finishing touches on meals before they reach your door! These boys also provide some much needed comic relief, whether it's intentional or not- it's amazing how far they've come in honing their kitchen skills!
Sherry and Katie. They first met in June of 2016 when Sherry interned at Katie's Plates and it was an instant connection! Coworkers, friends, and each others biggest supporters, these two have big plans and are looking forward to a successful and bright future with Katie's Plates!
Girl bosses all day eeerday. Katie, Sharon, and Sherry would all agree that working at Katie's Plates isn't a "job". It's a place where they get to do what they love everyday, using their skills to provide others with healthy and delicious meals. You know your relationship is more than "coworkers" when you're constantly texting each other beyond work hours- Katie's usually the one sending messages at all hours of the night!
Sherry's last day as the Birmingham Branch Manager was celebrated with a final team Bonding Brunch- a bittersweet day. Sherry is moving on to become Branch Manager of the new Nashville branch, while Sharon will take over the Birmingham location (yay Sharon!!!). Though he would never admit it, Victor shed a small tear while saying goodbye (for now) to Sherry. I'LL MISS YOU BHAM TEAM!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this look into the team behind the tasty meals you receive! We love what we do, we love each other, and we love YOU! As the Nashville branch grows, and with our eyes set on Atlanta, there is so much momentum and excitement at Katie's Plates. We will never stop looking for ways to serve you better, and we continue to develop new and inventive recipes to keep your taste buds guessing!
-Bham customers, it's been such a delight to serve you:) Goodbye for now!
-If you're in Nashville, I can't wait to meet you!! Look for my face during deliveries and don't hesitate to reach out!